Sep 14, 2006

Real Time Communication Reality Check!

Real-time communication should be all about enabling people to communicate naturally both in the work environment and at home. However, the world of RTC as we know today has numerous roadblocks requiring consumers to significantly adjust their communication style based on which technology they are using, which device they are using, and who they are communicating with - especially if you need to communicate with someone outside your firewall.

The RTC technologies as we know it today is definitely not enabling people to communicate naturally. Why is that? Why are technology providers not focusing on providing a high quality of user experience? Why is this not embedded as a part of everyone's daily activities? Why does one have to use phrases like - "can you hear me now", "can you see me now", "can you see the next slide now"?

Broadband is pervasive nowadays. Capturing devices, like Webcams and cell phones, are now pervasive. Then why are the RTC technologies still far from providing a rich, natural communication experience?

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