Sep 4, 2007

Using webcollaboration to avoid commute woes during NYC taxi strike

New York City is bracing for a 48-hour taxi strike due start on Wednesday Sept 5 at 5:00 AM. Earlier today; Mayor Bloomberg announced a taxi strike contingency plan. This contingency plan is focused on allow people to share rides in those taxis that are operating and is urging commuters to use public transport as much as possible. One other way of avoiding commuter woes would be to work from home and telecommute during the next two days.

Just like during the most recent transit strike; WebEx (my company) is offering New Yorkers free web conferencing services that will allow them to work from home. These services will allow commuters to telecommute from home rather than deal with a commute situation that is expected to be worse than normal. This free service is offered to all New Yorkers at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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lolikneri havaqatsu